I am honoured to present to you CCMW’s Project Communitas. We are working to strengthen individual and community resilience through the development of inter-cultural and inter-faith community-based resilience projects that foster social interdependence, active citizenship, dialogue and youth leadership.
Community resilience can take on many forms. This project looks at young peoples’ roles in building resilience in a pluralistic context.
Take your time exploring this WebPortal. Each city will be using the Portal to share initiatives, ideas, and resources that aim to build resilient individuals and communities.
How does the WebPortal work?
The WebPortal is fully integrated with Twitter. If you’d like to have your content appear on the website, just tweet with #PrjctComm. If you’d like to be more specific, just at the hashtag and the first three letters of the cities involved (i.e. #TOR, #CAL, etc.)
If you’d like to submit a blog article or an idea, please feel free to contact me at slpressault@gmail.com with either a blog pitch or with your written article and we will do what we can to have it placed on the Portal.
Stephane L. Pressault
Project Communitas National Coordinator