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#PrjctComm #CAL

RT @WesternMuslim: Now on our fourth theme: Mental Health. Facilitators are @marwafadol and @MuslimSistah! #Resilience #prjctcomm #yyc http…

Targeted Programs so far... Hayat Program, CVE, @rcmpgrcpolice outreach, Groups for "at-risk" youth. Are these effective? #CAL #resilience

Universal Programs: potential solution? @MuslimSistah

Responses towards radicalization so far. #cal #resilience

Language plays a large part in the stigma. There is a difference between "radicalized youth" and "youth who are radicalized" - @MuslimSistah

RT @WesternMuslim: "Delay of gratification with a distant 'reward'; chaining is needed to continue behaviour along rule-following lines." -…

RT @WesternMuslim: "Those who are radicalized have strong idealogical beliefs that lead to strong 'rule-following' behaviour." - @MuslimSis…

Radicalized ideological beliefs may lead to a delay of gratification with a distant "reward." - @MuslimSistah #Cal #resilience

"Not all those who are radicalized have #MentalHealth issues, but some may." - @MuslimSistah #Resilience #prjctcomm #yyc #CAL

Research in the field of radicalization and mental health is examining a concept called "complex thinking." - @MuslimSistah #Cal #resilience